Updated method functions for plotting SBS96, SBS192, DBS78 and ID counts catalog; the counts shown on the plot are sum of absolute value of each peak.
Updated internal function ConvertCatalogToSigProfilerFormat
to support
conversion from ICAMS SBS192 and SBS1536 catalog to SigPro format.
Updated exported function ReadCatalog
to support reading in SBS1536 catalog
in SigPro format.
and catalog.row.headers$ID166
for genic-intergenic indel catalog (ID166).Added new exported function IsICAMSCatalog
to check whether an R object
contains one of the ICAMS catalog classes.
Added new internal function SelectVariantsByChromName
Added new argument chr.names.to.process
to exported functions
, ReadAndSplitVCFs
, SplitListOfVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
that allow users to only select and process variants from
specified chromosome names.
Added a section Subscripting catalogs
in ICAMS package documentation.
Nongenic region
to Intergenic region
.Added new data catalog.row.order$ID166
and catalog.row.headers$ID166
for genic-intergenic indel catalog.
Added functionality for ReadCatalog
to read in genic-intergenic indel
catalog (ID166).
Added functionality for WriteCatalog
to write genic-intergenic indel
catalog (ID166) to CSV file.
Added cbind
and [
method for ID166Catalog
Added functionality for PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
to plot
genic-intergenic indel catalog (ID166).
Updated function PlotCatalog
to change options("digits")
temporarily to
prevent weird y axis labels.
Updated function AnnotateSBSVCF
not to call CheckSeqContextInVCF
as this
check will done later at function CreateOneColSBSMatrix
Updated exported functions' examples not to use deprecated functions.
Updated internal function StandardChromNameNew
to also discard variants
whose chromosome names contain "fix" or "alt".
Updated internal function ReadVCF
not to calculate VAF for multiple
alternative variants in freebayes VCF to avoid warning messages.
Updated code in exported function GetFreebayesVAF
to improve time
performance dramatically (about 5 times faster) by using regular expressions for
pattern matching and retrieving.
Updated documentation of argument max.vaf.diff
in various functions
informing users that they can specify a negative value (e.g. -1) to suppress
merging adjacent SBSs to DBS.
Added a new dependency package fuzzyjoin
Added new internal function DefaultFilterStatus
to automatically infer
according to variant.caller
Fixed a bug in internal function AddTranscript
caused by data.table::foverlaps
producing memory errors when the input VCF has many variants (e.g. >70000 lines).
Used fuzzyjoin::genome_left_join
Fixed a bug in internal function MakeDataFrameFromVCF
when renaming column
Fixed a bug in internal function CheckAndRemoveDiscardedVariants
to remove
variants with ambiguous REF bases (not A, C, G, T).
Fixed a bug in exported function TransformCatalog
when user specifies
as a character string. No longer raise an error when user did not
install the BSgenome package.
to infer reference genome
name from a character string.IsRefGenomeInstalled
to check whether the
BSgenome package is installed. If not, the returned catalog will have
NULL ref.genome attribute.Fixed a bug in internal function AddTranscript
when setting the data table
new names.
Updated two internal functions GeneratePCAWGAliquotID
Corrected error in the original Excel file showing PCAWG7 indel classification. Updated the links in documentation pointing to the correct Excel file. Added a new column showing the ICAMS ID catalog row name.
Set a minimum value of 21 for seq.context.width
in function AnnotateIDVCF
to facilitate
extended sequence context analysis.
Added examples to two new exported functions SymmetricalContextsFor1BPIndel
and GeneratePlotPFMmatrix
Added new exported function HaplotypePlot
Added two new internal functions RenameColumnsWithNameStart
to check whether there are column names start
in the original VCF. This is to avoid breaking the code in function
Added two new dependency packages lifecycle and rlang.
Soft deprecated several exported functions
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
, ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs
, ReadStrelkaIDVCFs
Fixed a bug in internal function ReadVCF
when the VCF does not have column FILTER
Updated documentation for ID
that refers to small insertions and deletions.
Updated documentation for ICAMS.R that is no longer referring to some deprecated functions.
Added internal function GenerateVCFsFromIndelSimpleFiles
to generate reconstructed VCFs from
indel simple files.
Updated internal function ReadVCF
to check whether VCF has column FILTER
. If VCF
does not have FILTER
column, raise a warning and all variants will be retained.
Exported two functions ReadVCFs
and SplitListOfVCFs
and added examples.
Updated code in function ReadVCF
for filtering out variants that do not have the value of filter.status
to avoid segfaults error.
to argument filter.status
in several exported and internal functions.Fixed a bug in internal function CheckAndNormalizeTranCatArgs
transforming catalog. If the target.abundance
can be inferred and is different
from a supplied non-NULL value of target.abundance
, no longer raise an
error. Use the supplied non-NULL value of target.abundance
Updated internal function ReadBedRanges
to only keep entries that are from
chromosomes 1-22 and X and Y.
; some code simplification.always.merge.SBS
to several functions.Added new internal function RetrieveNonEmptySamples
to retrieve non empty samples from a catalog.
Added new internal function ConvertCatalogToSigProfilerFormat
to convert ICAMS SBS96, DBS78 and ID catalog to SigProfiler format.
Updated function StandardChromName
and StandardChromNameNew
to remove variants
whose chromosome names contain "JH".
Updated functions VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
and VCFsToZipFile
to only plot samples
that have mutations for a specific mutation class.
Enabled argument tumor.col.name
and tumor.col.names
in various functions to also take
in numbers as column indices.
Updated internal function MakeDataFrameFromVCF
to use argument file
instead of name.of.VCF
to report error when the input file is not a VCF file.
Updated internal data catalog.row.headers.sp$ID83
and ICAMS.to.SigPro.ID
for missing argument drop = FALSE
when reordering
a one-column catalog.expect_equal
for comparing numerical valuesTransformCatalog
in case R was configured and built in a way that did not support long double.Updated documentation of ReadCatalog
and ReadCatalogInternal
as there are no ID96 catalogs in COSMIC v3.2.
Changed the URL of COSMIC mutational signatures page to the redirected URL.
Updated some tests for TransformCatalog
in case R was configured and built in a way that did not support long double.
Added the argument strict
back to ReadCatalog
for backward compatibility;
is now ignored and deprecated.
Robustified function StandardChromNameNew
to select the column which
contains chromosome names by name instead of column index.
Fixed a bug in function CheckSeqContextInVCF
Fixed a bug in function PlotCatalog.SBS96Catalog
when plotting the X axis
after setting par(tck) = 0
Changed PlotCatalog
to round the mutation counts for each main type for
SBS96, SBS192, DBS78 and ID counts catalog in case the input is reconstructed
counts catalog.
Updated function AdjustNumberOfCores
not to throw a message on MS Windows machine.
Added an additional argument ylabels
to PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
When ylabels = FALSE
, don't plot the y axis labels. Implemented for SBS96Catalog, DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog.
Enabled argument grid
, uppder
, xlabels
in PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
for DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog.
to import files with:
function, e.g.
. Now they are in
to convert SigProfiler/COSMIC-formatted
catalog files into ICAMS catalog objects. Now these functions are in
, and their functionalities are
integrated into ReadCatalog
to remove rows which have NA in the data table read in. Otherwise
the number of rows will not be accurate to infer the correct catalog type.InferClassOfCatalogForRead
to data-raw/obsolete-files/InferClassOfCatalogForRead.R
when returning 1-column
DBS144 matrix with all values being 0 and the correct row labels.Added an additional argument tmpdir
in function AddRunInformation
Updated function CheckAndRemoveDiscardedVariants
and MakeDataFrameFromVCF
to check
for variants that have same REF and ALT.
Create new temp directory when generating zip archive from VCFs to avoid zipping unnecessary files in the output.
Fixed a bug in function AddRunInformation
for allowing ref.genome
to be a
Bioconductor package.
Fixed bugs in function CreateOneColSBSMatrix
, CreateOneColDBSMatrix
when the variants in the input vcfs should all be
Updated function CheckAndFixChrNames
to give a warning instead of an error
when "23" and "X" or "24" and "Y" appear on the chromosome names on the VCF at
the same time. CheckAndFixChrNames
will change "23" to "X" or "24" to "Y"
internally for downstream processing.
Changed some code in function AddTranscript
, CreateOneColSBSMatrix
to use functions from package dplyr
instead of
due to segfault error.
to remove variants
that have same CHROM, POS, REF.files
in function VCFsToZipFile
.Fixed a bug in ReadAndSplitVCFs
for merging adjacent SBSs into DBS when variant.caller
is mutect
Fixed a bug inCheckAndRemoveDiscardedVariants
for removing wrong DBS variants.
to remove wrong DBS variants that have same base in the same position in REF and ALT (e.g. TA > TT or GT > CT).name.of.VCF
in function MakeDataFrameFromVCF
for better error reporting.Updated function MakeDataFrameFromVCF
for better error reporting when reading
in files that are actually not VCFs.
Updated function ReadVCFs
to automatically change the number of cores to 1 on
Windows instead of throwing an error.
for returning the correct number of chromosome names.stop.on.error
and code tryCatch
in function
for better tracing if the function stops on error.Added argument stop.on.error
to VCFsToCatalogs
; if false, return
list with single element named error.
Added new internal function CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges
. The
chromosome names in exported data TranscriptRanges
don't have "chr". ICAMS now
will check for the chromosome names format in input vcf and update the
trans.ranges chromosome names in function AddTranscript
if needed.
Added new argument name.of.VCF
in function AnnotateSBSVCF
for better error reporting.
Changed return from ReadCatalog
to include possible
attribute "error" and allow for not calling stop() on
For a stranded catalog, as.catalog
and ReadCatalog
will silently convert
region = "genome" to "transcript".
Updated function AddTranscript
to check whether the format of VCF chromosome
names is consistent with that in trans.ranges
Removed documentation warnings related to \link{BSgenome...}
Some file reorganization.
for showing message that SBS variant
whose reference base in ref.genome does not match the reference base in the VCF
file.Enabled functions PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
to plot a numeric
matrix, numeric data.frame, or a vector denoting the mutation counts.
Added new internal function AdjustNumberOfCores
to change the number of cores
automatically to 1 if the operating system is Windows.
Added test processing VCF with unknown variant caller.
Added new internal function SplitSBSVCF
, SplitOneVCF
, SplitListOfVCFs
and VCFsToZipFileXtra
, WriteSBS96CatalogAsTsv
, GetConsensusVAF
Added new exported function ReadAndSplitVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogs
, VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
and VCFsToZipFile
Added new argument filter.status
and get.vaf.function
in functions ReadVCF
, ReadAndSplitVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogs
, VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
and VCFsToZipFile
Added a new internal data catalog.row.headers.SBS.96.v1
Added new argument max.vaf.diff
in internal functions SplitOneVCF
, SplitListOfVCFs
and exported functions ReadAndSplitVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogs
and VCFsToZipFile
Added new dependency package parallel
Added new dependency package R.utils
for data.table::fread
to read gz and bz2 files directly.
Added new argument num.of.cores
in internal functions ReadVCFs
, SplitListOfVCFs
and exported functions ReadAndSplitVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
, VCFsToCatalogs
, VCFsToZipFile
, VCFsToIDCatalogs
, VCFsToSBSCatalogs
, VCFsToDBSCatalogs
Added new argument ...
in internal functions ReadVCF
, ReadVCFs
and exported functions ReadAndSplitVCFs
, VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
, VCFsToCatalogs
, VCFsToZipFile
Added new argument mc.cores
in internal functions GetConsensusVAF
to use data.table::fread
instead of
when reading in VCF from URL.Updated function CreateOneColSBSMatrix
to throw a message instead of an error when there are SBS variant whose reference base in ref.genome does not match the reference base in the VCF file.
Updated function MakeVCFDBSdf
to inherit column information from original SBS VCF.
Changed the words in legend for DBS144 plot from "Transcribed", "Untranscribed" to "Transcribed strand" and "Untranscribed strand".
Updated the documentation for exported data all.abundance.
Updated function ReadCatalog.COMPOSITECatalog
not to convert "::" to ".." in the column names.
Updated various functions in ICAMS to generate catalogs with zero mutation counts from empty vcfs.
Added a section "ID classification" in the documentation for exported data catalog.row.order
New argument suppress.discarded.variants.warnings
in exported
function AnnotateIDVCF
with default value TRUE.
Added another paper information in AddRunInformation
. "Characterization of
colibactin-associated mutational signature in an Asian oral squamous cell
carcinoma and in other mucosal tumor types", Genome Research 2020
Changed the format of DOIs in DESCRIPTION according to CRAN policy.
Changed back the return value of ReadStrelkaIDVCFs
, ReadStrelkaSBSVCFs
to a list of data frames with no variants discarded.
Combined all the discarded variants from ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs
under one element discarded.variants
in the
return value. An extra column discarded.reason
were added to show the details.
Updated internal functions ReadVCF
and ReadVCFs
not to remove any discarded
No more removal of "chr" in the CHROM
column when reading in VCFs.
, CheckAndReturnDBSMatrix
, VCFsToSBSCatalogs
for the edge case.CreateOneColIDMatrix
when the ID.class contains non canonical
representation of the ID mutation type.The return value of exported function ReadStrelkaIDVCFs
now sometimes
contains a new element, discarded.variants
. This appears when there are
variants that were discarded immediately after reading in the VCFs. At present
these are variants that have duplicated chromosome/positions and variants that
have illegal chromosome names. This means that the user must check the return to
see if discarded.variants
is present and remove it before passing the return
to a function that expects a list of VCFs. Code in ICAMS that takes lists of
VCFs already checks for this element and removes it if present.
Added argument return.annotated.vcfs
to exported function
. The default value for the argument is FALSE
to be consistent with other functions.
Argument return.annotated.vcfs
in functions
, VCFsToIDCatalogs
, MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
Argument suppress.discarded.variants.warnings
in functions
, ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs
, VCFsToIDCatalogs
, MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
Added documentation to exported functions ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
and StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
Added information on the "ID classification" in documentation
of functions generating ID catalogs, FindDelMH
and FindMaxRepeatDel
Minor changes to documentation of functions PlotCatalog
, PlotCatalogToPdf
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile
Updated documentation for the return value of functions
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
and VCFsToIDCatalogs
to make it clearer to the user.
Added new exported data of catalog row order for SBS96, SBS1536 and DBS78
in SigProfiler format to catalog.row.order.sp
New internal function ConvertICAMSCatalogToSigProSBS96
, ReadVCF
, ReadVCFs
New exported function GetFreebayesVAF
for calculating variant allele
frequencies from Freebayes VCF.
New test data for Strelka mixed VCF.
Added time zone information to file "run-information.txt" when calling
functions MutectVCFFilesToZipFile
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
Enabled "counts" -> "counts.signature" catalog transformation when the source catalog has NULL abundance.
Added legend for SBS192 plot and changed the legend text for SBS12 plot.
Added a second element plot.object
to the return list from function
for catalog types "SBS192Catalog", "DBS78Catalog", "DBS144Catalog"
and "IndelCatalog". The second element is a numeric vector giving the
coordinates of the bar midpoints, useful for adding to the graph.
Made the returns from PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
Improved time performance of GetMutectVAF
, CanonicalizeDBS
, CanonicalizeQUAD
statements in GetCustomKmerCounts
、 GetStrandedKmerCounts
when there is NA ID category.
to check if the VCF is indeed a Mutect VCF.
when the VCF does not have any variant in the
transcribed region.
when there is only a single expression value.
Created an internal function MakeDataFrameFromVCF
to read in data lines of a VCF.
New argument name.of.VCF
in internal function CheckAndFixChrNames
to make
the error message more informative.
New argument name.of.VCF
in exported
function AnnotateIDVCF
to make the error message more informative.
to make the error message more informative.AnnotateIDVCF
to a list. The first element annotated.vcf
contains the annotated VCF. If there are rows that are discarded, the function will generate a warning and
a second element discarded.variants
will be included in the returned list.flag.mismatches
deprecated in exported function AnnotateIDVCF
. If there are mismatches to references, the
function will automatically discard these rows. User can refer to the
element discarded.variants
in the return value for the discarded variants.SplitStrelkaSBSVCF
when there are no non.SBS mutations in the input.MakeDataFrameFromMutectVCF
when a Mutect VCF has no meta-information lines.CreateOneColSBSMatrix
when an annotated SBS VCF has variants on transcribed regions that all fall on transcripts on both strand.CreateOneColDBSMatrix
when an annotated DBS VCF has variants on transcribed regions that all fall on transcripts on both strand.ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile
to make it optional.name.of.VCF
in internal functions
, ReadStrelkaIDVCF
and exported function GetStrelkaVAF
in functions VCFsToIDCatalogs
, MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog
and StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile
to a data frame which contains the VAF and read depth information.PlotCatalogToPdf
list. The first element is a logical value indicating whether the plot is
successful. The second element is a list containing the strand bias statistics
(only for SBS192Catalog with "counts" catalog.type
and non-NULL abundance and argument plot.SBS12
= TRUE).PlotCatalog
and PlotCatalogToPdf
For class SBS96Catalog:
(New) Allow setting ylim and cex.
(New) For PlotCatalog
(not PlotCatalogToPdf
), allow plotting of a 96 x 2 catalog,
in which case behavior is a stacked bar chart.
(New) Plot x axis tick marks if xlabels
is not TRUE; set par(tck = 0)
to suppress.
For class IndelCatalog:
(New) Allow setting ylim.GetCustomKmerCounts
so that ymax on the plot will be changed
based on plot.type
from "numeric" to
; see documentation
for rationale.TransformCatalog
and updated its documentation
for parameter target.abundance
and updated the automated tests.TransformCatalog
and updated the warning
message to make it more informative.cbind
to check the attributes of the incoming catalogs and assign attributes accordingly.TransformCatalog
to check the attributes of the catalog to be
transformed in the first place.AnnotateSBSVCF
, AnnotateDBSVCF
and PlotTransBiasGeneExpToPdf
in functions
, ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs
, ReadStrelkaIDVCFs
, MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
and StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
for users to specify the names of samples in the VCF files.as.catalog
in functions
, MutectVCFFilesToCatalog
to specify the column of the VCF
that contains sequencing statistics such as sequencing depth; this column
is often called "unknown" in Mutect.MutectVCFFilesToCatalog
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog
, VCFsToSBSCatalogs
, ReadCatalog
informing the user how to change
attributes of the generated catalog.VCFsToIDCatalogs
, StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog
and StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
a list; 1st element is the
spectrum catalog (previously the only return); 2nd element is a list of
VCFs with additional annotations.PlotCatalog
a list. The first element is
a logical value indicating whether the plot is successful. The second element
is a numeric vector giving the coordinates of all the bar midpoints drawn,
useful for adding to the graph (only implemented for SBS96Catalog).output.file
argument in
, StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
and StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
so that an indicator of the catalog type plus ".pdf" is simply
appended to the base output.file
name. Also made this argument
optional with sensible default behavior.trans.ranges.GRCh37
, trans.ranges.GRCh38
and trans.ranges.GRCm38
, cryptic repeats (i.e. un-normalized deletions in a repeat
such as GAGG deleted from CCCAGGGAGGGTCCC, which should be normalized
to a deletion of AGGG) are now ignored with a warning rather than
causing a stop
, which previously did not flag the
cryptic repeat in what is now the second example in the function documentation.as.catalog
supports creation of the catalog from a vector (interpreted
as a 1-column matrix) and optionally infers the class from the
number of rows in the input.